উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২০ | HS English Suggestion 2020 WBCHSE with PDF | WiN EXAM


উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২০ | HS English Suggestion 2020 WBCHSE with PDF | WiN EXAM

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২০ | HS English Suggestion 2020 | WBCHSE HIGHER SECONDARY ENGLISH SUGGESTION 2020

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2020 | HS ENGLISH Suggestion 2020 নিচে দেওয়া হল। এই প্রশ্নোত্তর এবার উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি 2020 (HS English Suggestion 2020 | WBCHSE HIGHER SECONDARY ENGLISH SUGGESTION 2020)  পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট । আপনারা যারা উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2020 | HS English Suggestion 2020 | WBCHSE HIGHER SECONDARY ENGLISH SUGGESTION 2020 Question and Answer খুঁজে চলেছেন, তারা নিচে দেওয়া প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ভালো করে পড়তে পারেন। 

PROSE | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

The Eyes Have It – Ruskin Bond | PROSE | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [ Mark – 1]

1.The narrator had the compartment to himself upto
(a) Rohana (b) Mussoorie (c) Saharanpur(d) Dehradun

Answer : (a) Rohana

2. The girl was getting off at

(a) Dehra (b) Nainital (c) Saharanpur (d) Mussoorie In

Answer : (c) Saharanpur

3.”The Eyes Have It’, the girl will be received at Saharanpur
(a) by her friend (b) by her father (c) by her uncle(d) by her aunt

Answer : (d) by her aunt

4.The couple who came to see the girl off were-
(a) angry at her behaviour (b) sorry about her journey (c) worried about her comfort (d) disappointed at her blindness

Answer : (c) worried about her comfort

5. The voice of the girl seemed to the narrator to have the sparkle of a
(a) fountain (b) mountain stream (c) rain (d) waterfall

Answer : (b) mountain stream

6.The girl said, she loved the hills especially in-
(a) November (b) February (c) September (d) October

Answer : (d) October

7.According to the narrator in ‘The Eyes Have It’ aunts are usually
(a) formidable creatures (b) interesting creatures (C) amiable creatures (d) repulsive creatures

Answer : (a) formidable creatures

8.The new passenger described the girl’s eyes as
(a) blind and small (b) big and beautiful (c) beautiful but blind (d) small but beautiful

Answer : (c) beautiful but blind

Short Type Answer [Mark 1]

1.What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight?

Answer :The narrator remarked that people with good eyesight often failed to see what was before their eyes.

2.Who came to Rohana to see the girl oil?

Answer : A couple, probably her parents, came to Rohana to see the girl off.

3.What according to the narrator was a safe remark?

Answer :According to the narrator, the remark that the girl had an interesting face was safe. 5.When do the hills look lovely, according to the narrator?
Answer :According to the narrator, the hills look lovely in October.
6. What advice did the woman give to the girl?

Answer : The woman advised the girl as to where to keep things, not to lean out of windows and to avoid speaking to strangers.

7.Where will the girl get down from the train?
Answer : The girl will get down from train at Saharanpur.
8.What was the girl tired of?
Answer : The girl was tired of people telling her that she had a pretty face.

9. What lingered in the air after the departure of the girl?
Answer : The scent of her perfume lingered in the air after the departure of the girl.
10. What according to the narrator can few girls resist?
Answer : According to the narrator few girls can resist flattery.

11.what it was like outside. Who broke into the narrator’s reverie?
Answer : The new passenger who had entered the compartment broke into the narrator’s reverie.
12. How did the narrator know that the girl wore slippers?
Answer : The narrator knew that the girl wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels.

13.Why were the eyes of the girl of no use?
Answer : The eyes of the girl were of no use because she was completely blind.

Broad Type Questions [Marks 6]

1.Discuss in brief the significance of the title of the story | The Eyes Havelt

2.”The voice had the sparkle of a mountain stream” – Who said this? Whose voice is referred to here? Why did the voice become so splendid to the speaker?
3.”Few girls can resist flattery”_Whose observation is this? What did he do based on this observation? What was the reaction of the girl to his action?

4.“The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie”—Who is the speaker ? What was the reverie ? How did the man break the reveric of the speaker?

Strong Roots – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam | PROSE | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [Mark – 1]

1.According to Kalam’s father adversity always presents opportunities for
(a) judgement (b) introspection (C) self-realisation (d) acknowledgement

Answer : (b) introspection

2.Kalam’s father started his day at
(a) 4-30 a.m. (b) 5 a.m. (c) 4 a.m.(d) 7 a.m.

Answer : (c) 4 a.m.

3.Kalam’s ancestral house was built in the middle of the
(a) 18th century (6) 20th century (c) 21st century (d) 19th century

Answer : (d) 19th century

4.The locality where Kalam lived in his childhood was among the
(a) Jains (c) Predominantly Hindu (d) Christians

Answer : (b) Predominantly Muslim

5.The ancestrall house of Kalam was situated in
(a) Shiva Temple Road (b) J.C. Bose Road (e) Mosque Street (d) Lakshmana Shastry Street

Answer : (e) Mosque Street

6.Kalam normally ate with
(a) his mother (b) his father (c) his brothers(d) the outsiders

Answer : (a) his mother

7.Kalam’s father possessed great innate
(a) love (b) kindness (c) hatred (d) wisdom

Answer : (d) wisdom

8. Kalam’s father followed his routine till
(a) early sixties (b) late fifties (c) till his death (d) late sixties

Answer : (d) late sixties

9.Rameswaram was famous for
(a) the Shiva temple (b) the Buddha temple (c) the mosque (d) Kalam’s residence

Answer : (a) the Shiva temple

10.The essay ‘Strong Roots’ has been extracted from
(a) the biography of Kalam’s father (b) the biography of Kalam’s mother (c) the life history of Jainulabdeen (d) ‘Wings of Fire’-Kalam’s autobiography

Answer : (d) ‘Wings of Fire’-Kalam’s autobiography

Short Answer Type Question [Mark 1]

1. What food was served to Kalam in his childhood?
Answer : Kalam was served rice, sambar, home-made pickle and a dollop of coconut chutney in his childhood.

2.Where would Kalam’s father take him for the evening

Answer : “Kalam’s father took him to a very old mosque in their locality for the evening prayers.
3. How would Kalam’s father convey complex spiritu concepts to Kalam?
Answer : Kalam’s father would convey complex spiritual cone to Kalam is simple down-to-earth Tamil.

4.What according to Kalam’s father adversity alwa present?
Answer : According to Kalam’s father adversity always presenta opportunities for introspection.

5.How would Kalam’s father start his day?
Answer : Kalam’s father would start his day at 4 a.m. by reading the namaz.

6. What does Kalam’s father say about the relevance of prayer?
Answer : Kalam’s father says that when one prays one becomes a part of the cosmos and it makes possible a communion of the spirit between people.

7. Who was bestowed the title of ‘Bahadur’ in ‘Strong Roots’?
Answer : One of Kalam’s mother’s forebears was bestowed the title of ‘Bahadur.

8.What was the name of Abdul Kalam’s mother?
Answer : The name of Abdul Kalam’s mother was Ashiamma.

9.How was the house of APJ Abdul Kalam?
Answer : Ang Kalam’s ancestral house was a fairly large pucca house made of limestone and brick.

10. How far was the Rameswaram temple from Kalam’s house?
Answer : The Rameswaram temple was about a ten-minute from Kalam’s house.

11.How far was the coconut grove from Kalam’s house?
Answer : The coconut grove was about four miles from Kalam’s house.

Broad Type Questions [Marks 6]

1.Describe the house in which Kalam spent his childhood. Who were his parents and what kind of childhood did they create for boy Kalam?
2.What did Kalam’s father tell him about the relevance of prayers?

3.What did Kalam recall about his father’s daily routine when his father was in his late sixties?
4.Who was Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry ? How was the relation between P.L. Sastry and Kalam’s father ? What did the relationship signify ?

5.”Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection”-Who said this and to whom ? How did the speaker’s attitude to adversity influenced the person spoken to?

Thank You Ma’am – Langston Hughes | PROSE | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions[Mark – 1]

1.The face of the boy in “Thank You Ma’am’ was
(a) clean (b) black (c) dirty (d) fuel with moles

Answer : (c) dirty

2.The boy looked as if he were
(a) fifteen (b) fourteen or fifteen (c) fourteen(d) thirteen or fourteen

Answer : (b) fourteen or fifteen

3.When Mrs. Jones was walking alone it was
(a) 12 noon (b) 10 a.m. (c) 11 p.m. (d) 11 a.m

Answer : (c) 11 p.m.

4.The lady picked up the boy from the street by holding his
(a) arm(b) ear(c) wrist (d) shirt front

Answer : (d) shirt front

5.Roger was afraid that he might be taken to
(a) court (b) police station (c) jail (d) office

Answer : (c) jail

6.The boy lost balance and fell on
(a) the side walk (b) the railing (c) the road (d) the car

Answer : (a) the side walk

7. The boy tried to snatch the pocket book because
(a) he wanted new clothes (b) he wanted to buy a pair of shoes (c) he wanted to buy food (d) he wanted to buy medicine.

Answer : (b) he wanted to buy a pair of shoes

8.The cake that was offered to Roger, cost-
(a) ten cent (b) ten dollars (C) ten pound (d) seven cent

Answer : (a) ten cent

9. Mrs. Jones worked at a
(a) government office (b) hotel beauty shop (c) factory (d) private sector

Answer : (b) hotel beauty shop

10. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington gave Roger
(a) seven dollars (b) nine dollars (c) five dollars (d) ten dollars

Answer : (d) ten dollars

Short Answer Type Question [Mark – 1]

1.Why did the boy try to snatch the woman’s purse?
Answer : The boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse in order to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

2.What items did Mrs. Bates give the boy to eat?
Answer : Mrs. Bates gave the boy to eat lima beans, ham, cocoa and half of her ten cent cake.

3.How did Mrs. Washington take the boy home?
Answer : Mrs. Washington Jones caught the boy by his neck and dragged him into the hall. 4.What did the woman offer Roger other than food?
Answer : The woman offered Roger ten dollars other than food.

5.How did the boy lose his balance?
Answer : The boy’s weight and the weight of the purse combined caused the boy lose his balance.

6.What did the boy want to say before leaving?
Answer : The boy wanted to say, “Thank You Ma’am’ before leaving her.

7. What would the woman teach Roger if he was her son?
Answer : If Roger was her son, the woman would teach him right from wrong.

8.What was the last instruction that the boy received from the woman?
Answer : The last instruction that the boy received from the woman was to behave properly. 9. Why did the boy take care to sit on the far side of the room?
Answer : The boy took care to sit on the far side of the room so that the woman could easily watch him, as he did not want to be mistrusted.

10.How is the boy described in the story “Thank You Ma’am’?
Answer : In the story “Thank You Ma’am’ the boy is described as ‘frail’ and ‘willow-wild’.
Broad Type Questions [ Marks – 6 ]

1.Justify the title of the short story “Thank You Ma’am’.

2. How did the lady catch hold of the boy trying to snatch her purse? How did she bring him home?
3.“Eat some more, son”-Who is the speaker ? What is offered by the speaker to the listener ? What picture of the speaker’s character is revealed in this line?
4.Describe the character of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.

5.Briefly narrate the picture of the social and economic condition of the people revealed in the story, ‘Thank You Ma’am’

Three Questions – Leo Tolstoy | PROSE | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [Mark – 1]

1.Tsar was the emperor of
(a) U. K.(b) U.S.A. (c) Russia (d) Germany

Answer : (a) U. K

2.The Tsar wanted answers to three important questions so that he could be

(a) more intelligent(b) rich (c) powerful(d) successful

Answer : (d) successful

3.When the Tsar approached the hermit he was
(a) digging ground (b) mopping hut (c) having lunch(d) sowing seeds

Answer : (a) digging ground

4.The hermit was widely renowned for his
(a) knowledge (b) wisdom (c) simplicity(d) sowing seeds.

Answer : (b) wisdom

5. The hermit lived in a wood which he
(a) often hunted (b) often left (c) seldom feared (d) never quitted

Answer : (d) never quitted

6.The Tsar stopped after digging
(a) one bed (b) two beds (c) four beds (d) six beds

Answer : (b) two beds

7.Each time the hermit stuck his spade into the ground, he
(a) breathed heavily (b) drank water (c) sat down for rest (d) wiped off the sweat on his forchead.

Answer : (a) breathed heavily

8.The wounded man swore to revenge himself on the Tsar because
(a) unprisoned his brother (b) seized his kingdom (c) executed his brother and seized his property (d) killed his brother

Answer : (c) executed his brother and seized his property

9.The answers that the Tsar got from the learned men, were all
(a) correct (b) different (c) similar (d) incorrect

Answer : (b) different

10. Seeing the Tsar, the hermit
(a) offered him water (b) greeted him with a smile (c) offered him food (d) greeted him and went on digging

Answer : (d) greeted him and went on digging
Short Answer Type Question [ Mark – 1 ]
1.Why did the Tsar want to know the answers to the three questions?
Answer : The Tsar wanted to know the answers to the three questions because he wished to never fail in anything that he might undertake.

2.Why did the Tsar go to the hermit ?

Answer : The Tsar went to the hermit because he knew that it was hermit who could answer to his questions as he was famous for his wisdom.

3. Why did the Tsar give the reward to none ?
Answer : The Tsar gave the reward to none as he got different answers from the learned men.

4.What did the hermit do on hearing the Tsar’s questions?
Answer : On hearing the Tsar’s questions the hermit answered

nothing .

5. Where did the hermit live?
Answer : The hermit lived in a wood which he never left.

6.What did the hermit do on seeing the Tsar?
Answer : On seeing the Tsar, the hermit greeted him and went on digging.

7. How was the bearded man wounded?
Answer : The bearded man was wounded by the Tsar’s bodyguard when he came out of the woods to kill the Tsar.

8.Why, according to the hermit, is ‘now’ the most important time?
Answer : ‘Now’, according to the hermit is the most important time because it is the only time when men have the ability and power.

9. Being saved what did the wounded man say to the Tsar?
Answer : After being saved by the Tsar the wounded man begged apology from him by saying “forgive me.”

10. What did the Tsar do, having made peace with his enemy?
Answer : Having made peace with his enemy, he forgave him, said he would send his servants and his own physician to attend him, and also promised to restore his property.

Broad Type Questions [Marks 6]

1. What were the three questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Why did he need correct answers to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men?

2.Why did the Tsar go to the hermit ? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when Tsar met him?
3. What are the hermit’s answer to the three questions of the Tsar ? Which answer do you like most and why?
4.How did the enemy of the king become friend with the king in Leo Tolstoy’s “Three Questions’?

POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

On Killing a Tree – Gieve Patel | POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions[Mark – 1]

1.To kill a tree takes
(a) much time (b) a few minutes (c) hours (d) little time

Answer : (a) much time

2.The tree has grown absorbing
(a) earth’s crust (b) air and sunlight (c) sunlight only (d) water only

Answer : (b) air and sunlight

3.”Miniature boughs.” The word ‘boughs’ means

(a) roots (b) stems (c) branches (d) leaves

Answer : (c) branches

4.The “curled green twigs’ rise from

(a) the uprooted tree (b) the earth’s cave (c) the rough bark (d) close to the ground

Answer : (b) the earth’s cave

5.The expression ‘bleeding bark’ suggests that the bark is
(a) bloodstained (b) looking bloody (c) oozing life-blood (d) secreting sap

Answer : (d) secreting sap

6. The bark of the tree is leprous because
(a) it is wounded by the knife (b) it is rough and has marks (c) it is soft and smooth (d) it is glossy and shining

Answer : (a) it is wounded by the knife

7.’Earth-cave’ is created when the tree is
(a) planted (b) chopped (c) hacked (d) uprooted

Answer : (d) uprooted

8. “And then it is done”-The word ‘it’ refers to
(a) killing (b) twisting (c) hacking(d) chopping

Answer : (a) killing

9.Out of its “leprous hide.’ “leprous hide’ means
(a) skin of a leopard (b) uneven bark of a tree (c) hide and seek (d) skin of a leprosy patient

Answer : (b) uneven bark of a tree

10.The root in ‘On Killing a Tree’ is
(a) green(b) green and wet (c) white and wet (d) pale and wet

Answer : (c) white and wet

Short Answer Type Question [Mark – 1]

1.What according to Gieve Patel is “the most sensitive part of a tree?
Answer : According to Gieve Patel the most sensitive part of a tree is the root.

2. How does a tree consume the earth?
Answer : A tree consumes the earth, water and other nutrients with the help of roots.

3. What do you mean by ‘leprous hide’?
Answer : In ‘On Killing a Tree’ ‘leprous hide’ refers to uneven and rough bark of a tree.

4. What is meant by the expression ‘Anchoring earth’?
Answer : “Anchoring earth’ means to fix the root of the tree firmly inside the earth.

5.What attitude of the poet is expressed in “On Killing a Tree”?
Answer : The poet expressed his heartfelt sympathy for a dying tree which is killed by cruel man.

6. “And then it is done”-What does ‘it’ refer to ?
Answer : ‘It’ refers to the complete killing of a tree.

7.How do the ‘twigs’ look in “On Killing a Tree’?
Answer : *Twigs’ look curled and green.

8.What scorch and choke the tree after it is pulled out?
Answer : The sunrays and air scorch and choke the tree after it is pulled out.

9.What does the phrase “earth-cave’ refer to?
Answer : The phrase ‘earth-cave’ refers to the cave or hole made after the root is taken out.

10.From where would the curled green twigs rise?
Answer : The twigs grow from the bark of the tree.

11.What will happen once the bleeding bark heals?
Answer : Once the bleeding bark heals, curled green twigs will rise from close to the ground.
Broad Type Questions [ Marks 6 ]

1.Write the substance of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’.

2.Justify the appropriateness of the title of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree.’

3.“And then it is done”—What is done ? When is ‘it done ? How is ‘it’ done .

Asleep in the Valley – Arthur Rimbaud | POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [ Mark – 1]

1.What type of poem is ‘Asleep in the Valley’?

(a) Sonnet (b) Ode (c) Song(d) Lyric

Answer : (a) Sonnet

2. Asleep in the Valley’ is aan
(a) nature poem(b) romantic poem (c) anti-war lyric(d) patriotic poem

Answer : (c) anti-war lyric

3.Under the feet of the soldier, there were

(a) leaves (b) flowers (c) wood (d) grasses

Answer : (b) flowers

4.What is the theme of the poem?
(a) Beauty of nature (b) Peace of mind (c) Glory of war (d) Futility of war

Answer : (d) Futility of war

5.What is described as gentle without guile?
(a) The soldier’s face(b) The soldier’s smile(c) The stream(d) The rays of the sun

Answer : (b) The soldier’s smile

6.How many red holes are thereon the soldier’s body?
(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four

Answer : (b) two

7. The pillow of the sleeping soldier is made of
(a) cotton (b) feather (c) flowers (d) fern

Answer : (d) fern

8. The humming insects don’t disturb him because
(a) he is dead (b) he is a nature lover (c) he is violent (d) he is peaceful

Answer : (a) he is dead

9. The soldier lies stretch
(a) in the hollow (b) in the heavy undergrowth (c) on a bed of fern (d) on the mountain top

Answer : (b) in the heavy undergrowth

10. Nature is asked to keep the soldier
(a) cold (b) peaceful (c) asleep (d) warm

Answer : (d) warm

Short Answer Type Question[ Mark – 1]

1. How does the soldier’s smile look in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley”?
Answer : The soldier’s smile looks like that of an infant gentle without guile.

2. Where are the feet of the soldier in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’?
Answer : The feet of the soldier are among the flowers.

3. Where does the stream leave ‘long strands of silver’?
Answer : The stream leaves long strands of silver on bright grass of the valley.

4. Why is nature asked to keep the soldier warm?
Answer : Nature is asked to keep the soldier warm lest he may catch cold.

5.Why is the soldier pale?
Answer : The soldier is pale because he is dead.

6. “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest”-Why?
Answer : The humming insects don’t disturb his rest because he is no

more alive.

7. What suggests that the soldier is dead?
Answer : The two red holes on the side of the soldier suggests that he is dead.

8. What fills the hollow full of light?
Answer : The sun’s rays fill the hollow full of light.
9. Where does the soldier rest his head?
Answer : The soldier rests his head on a pillow made of fern.

10. Mention the two words used to describe the sun-soaked bed.

Answer : The two words used to describe the sun-soaked bed are ‘warm’ and ‘green’.

Broad Type Questions [ Marks – 6 ]

1.How does the poet express the futility of war through his poem “Asleep in the Valley’? What message does he want to convey?
2.Justify the title of the poem, “Asleep in the Valley’ ?
3.“In his side there are two red holes.” Who is the person referred to here ? What do the ‘two red holes’ signify ? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here ?

Shall I Compare Thee – William Shakespeare | POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [ Mark – 1]

1.’Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?
(a) lyric (b) ballad (c) sonnet (d) dramatic monologue

Answer : (c) sonnet

2. Which month is referred to in Sonnet 18?
(a) January (b) April (c) February (d) May

Answer : (d) May

3.The young person will live
(a) as long as people read this sonnet (b) as long as eyes can see (c) as long as ears can hear (d) as long as men can breathe

Answer : (a) as long as people read this sonnet

4. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade”. The term ‘eternal summer’ refers to
(a) a day in summer (b) eternal qualities of the poet’s friend (c) the summer season (d) the eternal love of the poet

Answer : (b) eternal qualities of the poet’s friend

5.What is the form of sonnet 18?
(a) abab abcd efg efg (b) abba abba cdcd cd (c) abab cdcd efef gg (d) None of these

Answer : (a) abab abcd efg efg

6.The poet’s friend is more lovely and more–
(a) temperate (b) bright (c) attractive (d) beautiful

Answer : (a) temperate

7. The darling buds of May are shaken by
(a) hot sun (b) rough winds (c) violent storm(d) frost

Answer : (b) rough winds

8. “And often is his gold complexion dimmed.” The word ‘his’ refer to —
(a) summer season(b) a summer’s day (c) the poet’s friend (d) sun

Answer : (d) sun

9.”So long lives this…..” The word this refers to
(a) the virtue of the poet’s friend (b) the summer season (c) the poet’s verse (d) the summer’s day

Answer : (c) the poet’s verse

10.The eye of heaven’ refers to
(a) Sun (b) Moon (c) God (d) Star

Answer : (a) Sun
Short Answer Type Question [ Mark – 1]

1.What type of poem is “Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s day?
Answer : “Shall I Compare Thee To a Summer’s Day?’ is a sonnet having tree quartrains and a concluding couplet.

2.Which month is referred to in Sonnet 18?
Answer : The month of May is referred to in Sonnet 18.

3. What shall death not brag in Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18 ?
Answer : Death shall not brag that it will fade poet’s friend’s beauty.

4. What does ‘eye of heaven’ refer to?
Answer : “Eye of heaven’ refers to the sun.

5 .How long will the young man be remembered in Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 18?
Answer : The young man will be remembered as long as man can breath or eyes can see. 6. How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed?
Answer : The gold complexion of the summer is dimmed by the cloud.

7. “So long lives this….” What is referred to by the word this’?
Answer : “This’ referred to here is the poem of the poet.

8. Mention any one demerit of summer.

Answer : One demerit of summer is that it is short-spanned.

9.What is meant by the term ‘eternal summer’?
Answer : By the term ‘eternal summer’, the poet refers to his friend’s everlasting beauty and virtues.

10.Explain the line-“….Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.”

Answer : The line signifies that the time alloted to the summer season is short.

Broad Type Questions [ Marks – 6]

1.How does Shakespeare compare his friends beauty with that of a summer’s day ?
2.“….. and this gives life to thee.” Where does the expression of the extract occur ?
What does this’ refer to ? Who is referred to by ‘thee’? How does ‘this’ give life?
3.How does Shakespeare immortalize his friend’s beauty?

POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

The Poetry of Earth – John Keats | POETRY | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [Mark – 1]

1.’The Poetry of Earth’ is
(a) a sonnet (b) an ode (c) a lyric(d) a poem

Answer : (a) a sonnet

2.The song of cricket is
(a) dull (b) sweet (c) silent (d) shrill

Answer : (b) sweet

3.The poetry of the earth is never dead, because-
(a) the grasshopper sings through summer (b) the cricket sings through winter (c) nature’s music can be heard through all seasons (d) none of the above

Answer : (c) nature’s music can be heard through all seasons

4.The grasshopper takes the lead in
(a) spring (b) autumn (c) winter (d) summer

Answer : (d) summer

5.Where does the grasshopper rest?
(a) under a log (b) inside a bark (c) under the soft woods (d) on the leaves

Answer : (c) under the soft woods

6. When birds are faint with the hot sun, they rest
(a) beneath some pleasant weed (b) in cooling trees (c) in the newly plants (d) among some grassy hills

Answer : (a) beneath some pleasant weed

7.The season mentioned in ‘The Poetry of Earth’ is –
(a) summer (b) winter (c) antumn (d) summar and winter

Answer : d) summar and winter

8. Whose sound is heard from hedge to hedge?
(a) grasshopper (b) lamb (c) cuckoo (d) cricket

Answer : (a) grasshopper

9.“From the –there shrills the cricket’s song.”
(a) cooling trees (b) stove (c) mead (d) hedge

Answer : (b) stove

10.The frost has wrought
(a) increasing cold (b) delight (c) silence (d) increasing warmth

Answer : (c) silence

Short Answer Type Question [ Mark – 1]

1.Who is the poet of the poem, “The Poetry of Earth’?
Answer : S John Keats is the poet of the poem, “The Poetry of Earth’.

2. Where do the birds take rest?
Answer : The birds take rest in the cooling shade of trees.

3. Where will the voice of the grasshopper run?
Answer : The voice of the grasshopper will run from hedge to hedge.

4. When does crickets sing?
Answer : Crickets sing in a shrill voice in the winter evenings.

5. Where does the grasshopper rest?
Answer : The grasshopper takes rest beneath some pleasant weed.

6. When will the poetry of earth end?
Answer : The poetry of earth will never end.

7. Who breaks the silence of winter?
Answer : The shrill voice of the cuckoo breaks the silence of winter.

8. What makes the warmth ever increasing?
Answer : The warmth of the cricket’s song along with the heat from the stove makes the warmth ever increasing.

9. What does frost do to a winter evening ?
Answer : Frost brings silence to a winter evening.

Broad Type Questions [ Marks – 6 ]

1. Write the substance of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth.’

2.How does the poet establish continuity of music of earth through the year?
3.”A voice will run”- Where does the line occur ? Whose voice is referred to here? When will the voice run ?

DRAMA | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

The Proposal – Anton Chekov | DRAMA | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

MCQ Questions [ Mark – 1]

1. The format of the play “The Proposal’ is
(a) tragedy (b) comedy (c) one-act play (d) farce

Answer : (c) one-act play

2. “The Proposal’ is set in a
(a) farm house (b) corporate house (c) commercial house (d) country house

Answer : (d) country house

3. Anton Chekhov was aan
(a) English writer (b) Russian writer (c) French writer (d) American writer .

Answer : (b) Russian writer

4. Age of Chubukov is –
(a) about 70 (b) about 60 (c) about 90 (d) about 65

Answer : (a) about 70

5. Chubukov doubts that Lomov has come to-
(a) buy a dog (b) borrow seeds (c) borrow threshing machine (d) borrow money

Answer : (d) borrow money

6. According to Chubukov, Lomov’s father was a
(a) Thief(b) Pick-pocketer (c) Gambler(d) Drunkard

Answer : (c) Gambler

7.When Lomov arrived Chubukov was surprised by his
(a) evening dress (b) impudence (c) shyness(d) palpitation

Answer : (a) evening dress

8. The name of Natalya’s dog is –
(a) Mirnov (b) Ivan (c) Guess (d) Squeezer

Answer : (d) Squeezer

9.What is the name of Lomov’s dog?
(a) Puppy (b) Guess (c) Bhulu (d) Squeezer

Answer : (b) Guess

10.Lomov inherited his land from his
(a) father (b) father-in-law (c) uncle and aunt (d) aunt and her husband

Answer : (d) aunt and her husband

11.How much did Lomov pay for his dog?
(a) 120 roubles (b) 130 roubles (c) 125 roubles(d) 140 roubles

Answer : (c) 125 roubles

12. Age of Lomov is
(a) 35 years (b) 30 years (c) 28 years (d) 32 years

Answer : (b) 30 years

13. What is the first argument over ?
(a) Hunting dogs (b) Land (c) Labour(d) Inheritance

Answer : (b) Land

14. Natalya calls Lomov’s aunt–
(a) a witch (b) a drunkard (c) a backbiter (d) an intiguer

Answer : (c) a backbiter

15. Lomov wants to marry Natalya because
(a) he loves Natalya (b) he will get a lot of land (c) Natalya loves him (d) he is already 35 and must lead a stable life

Answer : (d) he is already 35 and must lead a stable life

16.Chubukov paid for his dog Squeezer

(a) 85 roubles (b) 80 roubles (c) 125 roubles (d) 90 roubles

Answer : (a) 85 roubles

17. According to Lomov, Squeezer is
(a) short (b) overshot (c) old (d) useless

Answer : (b) overshot

18.Natalya suffers from a physical problem, what is it?
(a) Vomitting (b) Sleeplessness (c) Hysteria (d) Dizziness

Answer : (c) Hysteria

19. “I’ve had some already. Meaning of ‘had’ is
(a) Eat (b) helping verb (c) Past participle of have (d) drink

Answer : (a) Eat

20.The point of argument between Natalya and Lomov is
(a) marriage (b) orchard (c) love (d) oxen meadows

Answer : (d) oxen meadows

21.The value of oxen meadows is
(a) 200 roubles (b) 250 roubles (C) 300 roubles (d) 350 roubles

Answer : (C) 300 roubles

22. Rouble is the
(a) French currency (b) Russian currency (c) Britain currency (d) Indian currency

Answer : (b) Russian currency

23. The measurement of the oxen meadows is
(a) 12.5 acres (b) 14.5 acres (c) 13.0 acres (d) 13.5 acres

Answer : (d) 13.5 acres

24.Lomov’s aunt name is –
(a) Nastasya Mihailovna (b) Natalya Stepnova (c) Natasha Mihailovna (d) Natasha Vassiliviter

Answer : (a) Nastasya Mihailovna

Brod Type Question [ Marks – 6 ]

1. Sketch the character of Natalya Stepanovna.

2. Comment on the aptness of the title of the play “The Proposal’.

3. Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal is important to all characters.

4.Describe the Character of Chubukov as a sensible father.

TEXTUAL GRAMMAR | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

GRAMMAR TIPS – TEXTUAL GRAMMAR | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

Voice Change

1. (Active) I help the boy

(Passive) The boy is helped by me.
2. (Active) He is writing a letter.

(Passive) A letter is being written by him.

3.(Active) They have made it.

(Passive) It has been made by them.

4. (Active) She called the boy.

(Passive) The boy was called by her.

5. (Active) We were playing football.

(Passive) Football was beeing played by us.

6. (Active) Ram had pulled the door.

(Passive) The door had been pulled by Ram.

7. (Active) He will give me a pen

(Passive) A pen will be given me by him.

8.(Active) Please help the by,

(Passive) You are requested to help the boy.

9. (Active) Do not pull the chain.

(Passive) Let not the chain be pulled.

10. (Active) Open the door.

(Passive) Let the door be opened.
11.(Active) Stop

(Passive) You are directed to stop.
12. (Active) Who called the police?
(Passive) By whom was the police called?
13. (Active) Have you done it?
(Passive) Has it been done by you?
14.(Active) Do you know the boy?
(Passive) Is the boy known to you?


(a) He said, “I am happy.”

Answer : He said that he was happy.

(b) Ram said, “Where is the man?
Answer : Ram asked where the man was.

(C) Rohim said, “Please, help me.”

Answer : Rohim requested to help him.

(d) Father said, “May God blees you.”

Answer : Father prayed that God might bless him.

(e) The man said, “Alas! he is no more.

Answer : The man exclaimed with sorrow that he was no more.


1.I was prepared to sit there on almost any length of time.
(a) for, (b) against, (c) in.

Answer : for

2.My parents were wildly regarded as an ideal couple.

(a) widely, (b) idently, (c) normally

Answer : widely

3.Sweat popped aside on the boy’s face.

(a) in, (b) out, (c) down

Answer : out

4.The hermit was digging the ground before his hut.

(a) after, (b) beside, (c) in front of.

Ans . in front of

5. The bleeding branch will heal.

(a) bark, (b) leaf, (c) root.

Answer : bark.

6.His feet among the ferhs.

(a) flowers, (b) leaves, (C) grasses

Answer : flowers

7………….. and scatter then to the sky,

(a) winds, (b) water, (c) sea

Ans . winds.

Do as direced:

1. My mother’s lineage was more distinguished than my father’s (Change the degree of comparison)

Answer : My father’s lineage was not as distinguished as my mother’s. Question

2.”Eat some more, son”. she said (Turn into indirect speech)

Answer : She affectionately told the boy to eat some more.

3. The carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm. (Change the voice)

Answer : Sound and rhythm were changed by the carriage wheels.

4. All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them. (Rewrite as a compound sentence)

Answer : All the answers were different and the Tsar agreed with none of them.

5.What a tyrant! (Turn into an assertive sentence)

Answer : A great tyrant.

6. There was another long pause. The boy’s mouth opened. (Join into a simple sentence)

Answer : After another long pause, the boy’s mouth opened.

7. The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted. (Change the voice)

Answer : The hermit lived in a wood which was never quitted by him.

8. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?(Turn into a assertive sentence)

Answer : I shall compare thee to a summer’s day.

9. One of the most vivid memories of my childhood is of the two men. (Change into positive degree)

Answer : A few memories of my childhood are as vivid as of the two men.

10.Why don’t you say this to the people who come to you for help and advice?(split into two simple sentences)

Answer : (i) People come to you for help and advice. (ii) Why don’t you say this to them?

11. A soldier, very young, lies open mouthed. (Rewrite as a complex sentence)

Answer : A soldier who is very young lies open mouthed.

12.The water dripping from his face, the boy looked at her. (Split into two simple sentence)

Answer : (i) The water dripped from his face.

(ii) The boy looked at her.

13. Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest of Rameswaram temple. He was a close friend of my father’s. (Join into a simple sentence)

Answer : Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of Rameswaram temple, was a close friend of my father’s.

14. You have already been answered. (Change the voice)

Answer : I have already answered you.

15. I have nothing to forgive you for. (Rewrite as an interrogative sentence)

Answer : What have I to forgive you for?
16.They called their goodbyes. (change the voice)

Answer : Goodbyes were called by them.

17. The humming insects don’t disturb his rest. (Make it affirmative)

Answer : His rest is undisturbed by the humming insects.

18.Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? (Make it assertive)

Answer : I shall campare thee to a summer’s day.

19. The large woman simply turned round. She kicked him square in his blue jeaned sitter. (join into a simple sentence)

Answer : The large woman simply turning round, kicked him square in his blue jeaned sitter. 20. I said to my father, why don’t you say this to the people?” (change the mode of narration)

Answer : I asked my father why he did not say that to the people.

21. She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalising. (split into two simple sentence)

Answer : (a) She was standing very close to me.

(b) The perfume from her hair was tantalising.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and or prepositions.
1. _________Shiva temple, which made Rameswaram so famous_________ pilgrims, was about _________ ten-minute walk _________ our house.

Answer : The, to, a, from

2. It takes much time_________kill_________ tree.

Answer : to, a

3. Others declared that it was impossible_________ decide before hand_________ right time_________ every action, but that, not letting oneself be absorbed_________ idle pastimes, one should always attend _________all that was going

Answer : to, the, for, in, to, on

4. There was some confusion _________ _________ doorway._________ man, getting _________ _________ compartment, stammered apology

Answer : in, the, a, into, the an.

5. _________Tsar turned round, and saw _________ bearded man come running _________ _________ _________ wood._________ man held his hands pressed against his stomach.

Answer : the, a, out, of, the, the


6._________train gathered speed,_________ wheels took _________ their song, _________ carriage, groaned and shook. I found _________ window and sat _________ front of it.

Answer : the, the, up, the, the, in.

7. _________ hills are covered _________wild dahlias, _________Sun is delicious, and _________ night you can sit _________ front _________ a logfire and drink a little brandy.

Answer : The, with, the, at, in, of

8. As I was totally blind_________ _________ time, my eyes sensitive only _________ light and darkness, I was unable _________tell what _________ girl looked like; but I knew she wore slippers _________ the way they slapped against her heels.

Answer : at, the, to, to, the, from.

9._________ engine whistle shrieked, _________carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm,_________ girl got _________ and began _________ collect her things. I wondered if she wore her hair_________ bun;

Answer : the, the, the, up, to, in


10. I remember my father starting his day_________ 4a.m. _________reading_________ namaz_________ dawn. _________ _________namaz, he would walk down to a small coconut grove.

Answer : at, by, the, before, after, the.

11. One must understand _________ difference _________ _________ fear-ridden vision _________ destiny and _________ vision that enables us _________ seek the enemy of fulfilment within ourselves.

Answer : the, between, a, of, the, to

12. I was one _________many children, _________ short boy Passive_________ rather undistinguished looks, born _________ tall and handsome parents, We lived _________ our ancestral house, which was built _________ the middle of the 19th century.

Answer : of, a, with, to, in, in.

13. I normally ate _________ my mother, sitting _________ _________ floor _________ _________ kitchen. She would place _________ banana leaf before me.

Answer : with, on, the, of, the, a


14.Sweat popped _________ _________ _________ boy’s face and he began _________ struggle. Mrs. Jones stopped jerked him around _________ front _________ her.

Answer : out, on, the, to, in, of.

15. She heated some lima beans and ham she had _________ _________ icebox, made _________ cocoa, and set _________ table _________ woman did not ask _________ boy anything about where he lived.

Answer : in, the, the, the, the, the

16. She was _________ large woman _________ _________ large purse that had everything it but hammer and nails. It had _________ long strap, and she carried it slung _________ her shoulder.

Answer : a, with, a, in, a, across

17. _________ that _________ woman said, “Pick _________ my pocketbook, boy and give it here.” She still held him. But she bent _________ enough permit him_________stoop and pick up her purse.

Answer : After, the up, down, to, to.


18.Question We’ve had _________ land _________ nearly three hundred years, and then we’re suddenly told that it is’nt ours. They only come five dessiatius.

Answer : the, for, to.

19. I’am not at all pleased about it because I’am afraid my hay may dot. I ought _________ have waited _________ bit. Why are you _________ evening dress ?
Are you going ………..a fall?
Answer : to, a, in, to.

20. The peasants _________ your father’s grandfather, as I have already had _________ honour _________ exploring _________ you, used to bake bricks for my aunt’s grandfather.

Answer : of, the, of, to.

Letter Writing – TEXTUAL GRAMMAR | WB HS English Suggestion 2020

1. Write a letter to the HeadmasterHeadmistress of your school for special classes after the Test Examination.

2. Write a letter to the Pradhan of your Gram Panchayat expressing your concern about the scarcity of water in your locality due to the excessive use of shallow tubewells in agriculture.

3.You have recently bought a mobile phone online. But the model sent to you is not the one you had ordered. Write a letter to Ms Flipcart India for replacing it.

4. Write a letter to the I.C. To lodge complain.

5. Write a leter to the Post Master for changing your residential address.

6.Write a letter to the CMO to arrange a medical camp in your locality.

7. Suppose you are a member of youth club. Recently your club is going to purchase some equipments of games and sports from ABC sports, College Street, Kolkata. Write a letter to the sales manager of ABC sports company placing a order for a few footballs, cricket balls, chess boards, badminton rackets, jerseys and volley ball. Ask for the discount permissible on the purchase.

8.Write a letter to the Manager of a Nationalised bank, seeking favour to sanction education loan required for continuing your study in Medical course from a reputed institution.

9.Write a letter to the manager of a bank reporting the loss of your saving Ac bank pass book.

10.The sports teacher of Vidyamandir High School placed an order on behalf of the school to your company for sports goods. There has been a delay in supply. You, being the sales manager, regret and promised immediate delivery through a letter in not more than 150 words.

11. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your deep concern about the price hike of daily commodities.

12.Write a letter to the Officer-in-Charge of the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company for sending excessive electric bill.

13.Write a letter to your friend about the bad effects of smoking.

14.Write a letter to the branch manager of a bank to open a new account with them.

15.Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school for the supply of pure drinking water.

16.Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the hike of train fare.

17.Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding the corruption in Indian cricket (politics in cricket).

FILE INFO : উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২০ | HS English Suggestion 2020 | WBCHSE HIGHER SECONDARY ENGLISH SUGGESTION 2020

File Details:
PDF Name : উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২০ | HS English Suggestion 2020 | WBCHSE HIGHER SECONDARY ENGLISH SUGGESTION 2020
Language : English
Size : 245.1 kb
No. of Pages : 34
Download Link : Click Here To Download
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